YUM Repository configuration files must:
- be located in /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
- have .repo extension, to be recognized by YUM
- Repository ID - One word unique repository ID (example: [examplerepo])
- Name - Human readable name of the repository (example: name=Example Repository)
- Baseurl - URL to the repodata directory. You can use file://path if repository is located locally or ftp://link, http://link, https://link if repository is located remotely - HTTP Authentication available http://user:password@www.
repo1.com/repo1 (example: baseurl=http://mirror.cisp. com/CentOS/6/os/i386/) - Enabled - Enable repository when performing updates and installs (example: enabled=1)
- Gpgcheck - Enable/disable GPG signature checking (example: gpgcheck=1)
- Gpgkey - URL to the GPG key (example: gpgkey=http://mirror.cisp.com/
CentOS/6/os/i386/RPM-GPG-KEY- CentOS-6) - Exclude - List of the packages to exclude (example: exclude=httpd,mod_ssl)
- Includepkgs - List of the packages to include (example: include=kernel)
- Repository ID
- Name
- Baseurl
- Enabled
yum shell //will put you in the yum cli. type ? for help
yum repolist //will list repositories
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